There are lots of “people foods” your dog should never eat… and you’ve probably unknowingly fed it to them. After all, who can resist those adorable puppy-dog eyes? However, sometimes being a good doggy parent is to know when to say “no”. After all, feeding your dog the wrong food can lead to various health issues, including upset stomach, diarrhea, seizures and even death.
To ensure you’re feeding your furry pal the right diet, we have put together a handy list of the top toxic people foods to avoid feeding your pet. This list is not exhaustive, so if you’re unsure about a certain food, make sure to ask your local veterinarian. If your dog has ingested any of these foods, call your vet ASAP even if your pet is acting perfectly fine. It’s always better to be on the safe side.

Avocado plants contain a substance called Persin which is in its leaves, fruit and seed and can cause vomiting, diarrhea and heart muscle damage in dogs. The most dangerous part of the avocado is the pit which contains a lot of persin, and is also a choking hazard.
Chocolate contains Theobromine and caffeine which may result in various issues including vomiting, diarrhea, increased urination, restlessness, elevated heart rate, tremors, seizures, and death. Typically, the darker the chocolate, the more toxic it is for dogs.
Citrus fruits contain essential oils and a chemical compound that is toxic to dogs. If ingested, common symptoms include vomiting, diarrhea and depression. This doesn’t mean you can’t get yourself a citrus tree. Instead, simply locate your tree where it can’t be easily reached by your dog, or fence it off from where your dog usually roams and plays.
Coconut and Coconut Oil
When ingested in small amounts, coconut and coconut oil is safe for dogs. However, the flesh and milk of fresh coconuts do contain oils that may cause loose stools, stomach upset or diarrhea.
Grapes and Raisins
Should dogs be fed grapes and raisins? The answer is easy: No. No-one really knows why, but grapes and raisins are known to be highly toxic to dogs and can cause kidney failure.
Garlic and Onions
Garlic and onion are one of the worst foods you could give your dog. They contain disulfides and sulfoxides, both of which can damage red blood cells and cause anemia. Other symptoms include weakness, breathlessness, vomiting, and a loss of interest in food.
Macadamia Nuts
Macadamia nuts should never be given to dogs because they can be fatal. Eating as little as six raw or roasted macadamias can make them ill, as well as experience symptoms of poisoning: muscle tremors, weakness or paralysis of the hindquarters, elevated body temperature, vomiting, and rapid heart rate. Eating chocolate with the nuts will make these symptoms even worse, possibly leading to death.
Persimmons, Peaches & Plums
The problem with these fruits is the seeds or pits which can cause inflammation of the small intestine and intestinal obstruction in dogs. The stones in these fruits also contain cyanide, which is poisonous to dogs and humans.
Milk & other Dairy Products
Small amounts of milk and dairy products are usually fine for dogs, however you could get some smelly farts, diarrhea, vomiting, or develop gastrointestinal diseases. This is because dogs become lactose intolerant once weaned off their mother’s milk. Dogs aren’t really built to eat cow milk products as they do not have the enzyme to break down milk sugar. The high fat content in these foods can also lead to pancreatitis.
Yeast Dough
Before yeast dough is baked, it needs to rise. And, that’s exactly what it would do in your dog’s stomach after it is ingested. As it swells, the dough can stretch your dog’s abdomen and cause severe pain. In addition, when the yeast ferments the dough to make it rise, it makes alcohol which can lead to alcohol poisoning for dogs.
Candy, Gum, Peanut Butter & Baked Goods
The real culprit when it comes to these sweet foods is a sweetener called xylitol. It can cause insulin releases in most species. If your dog digests one of these sweetened foods, they can go into hypoglycaemia which is linked to liver failure and blood clotting disorders.
Alcohol contains ethanol which is toxic for dogs. Symptoms after ingesting alcohol include vomiting, diarrhea, decreased coordination, central nervous system depression, difficulty breathing, abnormal bloody acidity, tremors, coma and even death.