Pre & Probiotic/Phytoplankton Omega & Multi:
Administer the daily dose of Phytoplankton Omega & Multi & Prebiotic & Probiotic over your pet’s food once daily per their correct weight. Or follow advice from your animal health professional.
1 gram scoop included.
Derma Cream:
To ensure effective use of Derma Cream, generously apply it to the affected area. We suggest applying it once in the morning and again at night just before bedtime. For additional relief, you can also apply Derma Cream throughout the day as needed.
Derma Shampoo:
It is recommended to only wash every 4-6 weeks. If your dog is visibly dirty, and you are unable to get them clean with a rinse and brush, then it’s time for a wash. Washing too frequently can disrupt the natural oils of the coat, making your dog even more stinky and potentially contributing to skin diseases.
To get the best results for your pet’s skin, ensure to massage the product well into skin and rinse thoroughly.