Your Dog's Weekly Horoscope
 30th - 5th November 2022

By Pet Drs - 30/10/22

Have you ever wondered what your dog is thinking?
Have you ever questioned their mood, wondering what has gotten into them for the week?
Do you want to delve deeper into the mind of your dog?
Well we have curated a list of horoscopes to keep you up to date with your dog's moods!

October has come to an end and November is beginning.

What does this mean for your pup?

A new month and a new attitude?
A new month and a new exploration?
Or a new month and a new style?

Keep reading to find out what your dog may be up to for this week.

Join us every Sunday to delve into the upcoming characteristics of your furry friend for the week.

Aries Dog (March 21st - April 19th)

You’ve got an adventure in your mind, a wiggle in your tail and a prance in your paw this week, Aries dog.
You’re ready to leap at whatever opportunity presents itself and explore far beyond the flowerbeds, as long as it is carefully planned out.
All this anticipation about what may be installed for the adventure is starting to stress you out.
You’re all about the planning and executing the perfect adventure walk, but instead maybe you should just get out and see where the smells take you.
It’s all about the journey, rather than the destination, so remember to stop and smell the flowers on your long exploration to whatever dog park you find yourself at. Let your free spirit guide you, Aries.

Product Recommendation: Nose Balm

Taurus Dog (April 20 - May 20)

It’s time to leave the past behind and broaden your horizons to a new and improved month, Taurus dog. You may have played up a little too much during October, meaning mum and dad aren’t the most pleased with you and you were definitely confined to the ‘dog house’ a little more than you would’ve liked.
But it’s okay, you know they’ll always forgive you! You’ve just got to pop that pout on, give them the sad ‘puppy dawg’ eyes, and do that little ‘sniffle & scrunch’ that you do with your nose… you know they can’t resist that one. However, once you’ve scored them back on your good side, don’t let your game slip again!
Make sure you keep on your best behaviour, eat up all your supplements, and come back when they call you at the dog park. Stick to that and you’ll be snuggled up in bed watching Pawflix with them, each and every night.

Product Recommendation: LickiMat Soother

Gemini Dog (May 21 - June 20)

Gemini dog, you’ve been hiding behind that long coat for too long.
Hiding away your seasonal depression, soaking up the tears, and letting that mouth drool. But the weather is getting warmer, the days are becoming brighter, and your mood needs to perk up too!
This week take some time to get back in touch with yourself and practice some self care.
Wash away that sadness, style that mop, and moisturise those paw pads to get you glowing again! Maybe you’ll even bake those goodies that you’ve been wanting to for weeks but haven’t had the energy for. Whatever makes you feel like you, Gemini dog, go and do it! This week is for you.

Product recommendation: Paw Balm

Cancer Dog (June 21 - July 22)

Your emotions are running rampant this week, Cancer dog. Every little disagreement is causing a fluster, every inconvenience is setting you off, and every time the cat eats your last ‘crunch biscuit’ you almost bite their tail off!
You need to learn to channel those calm vibes, and tap into your meditative state. Every time something crosses your path that doesn’t necessarily align with your day, take a deep breath, walk yourself out into the garden, and lay in the cooling dirt - even better if you can find a mud bath.
Not only will it calm your senses, but we’ve heard it’s great for the skin as well… or so the pigs say. With time you’ll learn that not everyone is out to get you, and it’s okay if your opinions aren’t always agreed with.
It’s all about openness and communication, Cancer.
Expand your mind, be open to other’s thoughts, and remember that everyone’s opinions are valid… although you are most likely right in most circumstances (we can be modest and keep that to ourselves though).

Product Recommendation: Hot Spot

Leo Dog (July 23 - August 22)

Your ideas are flowing this week Leo. You’re really tapping into your creative side, engaging that fashion flare, and finding inspiration from even the most boring of objects.
Your lightbulb moment is soon approaching, and your idea for the Archidog prize is coming…
You need to exercise patience this week and hone into your artworks to truly be able to create your most prized piece this week. Leaning tower of pawsta? Paw painting on canva?
Whatever idea it may be, back yourself Leo. If you believe you’re a winner, you’ve already won.

Product Recommendation: Lickimat Buddy

Virgo Dog (August 23 - September 22)

Stress levels and uncertainty are high this week for you Virgo dog. Although you’re usually mellow and reserved, you’ve heard some faint chatters around the house that your pooch pad might be changing soon.
This is very concerning to you as this scenery is all you’ve known since you were a pup. The thought of change terrifies you - what happens if your new place smells like grandmas? Or even worse… the new neighbour has a cat?!
Well Virgo, sometimes a change can be good!
Try to stay positive about this change and embrace what’s coming… maybe you could even put in some special requests to mum of a larger backyard, front porch with morning sunshine, or a window bench in the bedroom.

Product Recommendation: Stress & Anxiety Supplement

Libra Dog (September 23 - October 22)

Your social vibes are running high this week Libra, and you’re ready to make friends with whoever will have you… even the stray cat who strolls the street. Although this excitement of a new furry friend may have you on a high, be careful not to neglect your old pooch pack. Although they’ve all got new puppies to play with, they haven’t forgotten about you.
Maybe they just need some reminding about how much fun you are! Why not try baking some paw-shaped treats to take to them, or grabbing your ball and organising a friendly competition?
Whatever it may be, they’re bound to want to rekindle again. And who knows, you might even be able to make friends with their new pups as well!

Product Recommendation: Lamb Liver Treats

Scorpio Dog (October 23 - November 21) 

The cat is really beginning to test you this week, Scorpio dog.
You knew from the moment that it was brought home as an ‘ever so cute kitten’ that it was going to be trouble… and it has been nothing but that!
But this week it’s really trying its best to provoke you in each and every way that it can. First it was locking your pup door (damn those swiping mittens), blaming the dirt in the kitchen on you even though it was ‘totally’ them, and finally the last straw… hiding your favourite plush toy!
How dare they?! It’s time to rebel and show them who the boss of the lounge room is! However you need to be smart and calculated Scorpio.
We can’t go out all bark blazing without any calculation. That’ll just end you up thrown in the kennel. We need to be smart and agile in this war…
Take some time to think before you react, Scorpio.
The perfect situation will come for you to pounce and claim back your crown!

Product Recommendation: Stress & Anxiety Supplement

Sagittarius Dog (November 22 - December 21)

The post breakup blues are really starting to kick in the week Sagittarius. Although you thought the Kelpie from two streets away was too much chaotic energy for you, it turns out it was exactly what you needed in your day to day routine. Is it too late to rekindle the love? Only time will tell. We think it’s time you put your love goggles back on and start to work on your recoupling plan. Why not bake her some tasty treats and add a sprinkle of love dust on top? Surely that’s bound to make her swoon again! I mean how can one resist a dog who bakes and ‘paw delivers’ her goodies to her door? Don’t forget to take a bath beforehand too. You want to make sure you don’t have that other ‘female dog’s smell’ on your coat from your post breakup fling last week…

Product Recommendation: ShamPoo

Capricorn Dog (December 22 - January 19) 

You’re really baring your teeth and testing out your bark this week, Capricorn dog. There’s been some change around the neighbourhood and you aren’t quite sold on all of the suss events just yet…
There’s a new man that keeps visiting your mum and bringing her flowers that are stinking up the lounge room. Although he keeps trying to give you those scratches behind the ears that you love, you aren’t letting your guard down just yet.
It’s been you and mum for as long as you can remember, and you aren’t going to give her up that easily. If this stranger wants to win her over, he’s going to have to deal with you first!
Just make sure you keep the games friendly, we don’t want to scare him off, just make a point of who’s boss in this house.

Product Recommendation: LickiMat PlayDate

Aquarius Dog (January 20 - February 18)

Alright Aquarius dog, October has come to an end, Halloween is just about over, and it's time to prepare for Summer! There's only one month left of Spring, meaning you better make the most of it and get your paws to the dog park to work off all of that sugar.
You've been a bit of a greedy guts this season, and we are sorry, but your puppy fat is starting to show again. You've got competition at the dog beach this year with all the new pups on the block.
If you really want to win the heart of Lassie down the road, you better get your hip wiggles into gear and practice your sprints. You'll throw her off guard and swoop her up in no time!

Product Recommendation: Gut & Immunity Supplement 

Pisces Dog (February 19 - March 20) 

Have you ever dreamt of strutting your paws along a red carpet, Pisces? Having cameras flashing everywhere around, wiggling your tail to the music, and putting on a show for everyone?
It would be a dream come true and definitely up your alley. So why not make it a reality? This week focus on giving yourself a complete makeover - scrub those paws of yours and bathe that stinky coat.
Find a robe to flatter and shine those teeth. Don’t forget to work on your grin either, it’s the money maker!
All it takes is the right person to see you strutting around the dog park to turn your path around!

Product Recommendation: Dog Robe

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